Category Archives: Political Incorrectness

Human rights, equality activism, fighting extremist feminists, games defender and sharing my personal views on global politics and stuff around our societies.

Russia faking Nazi arrest using The Sims games instead of Sim cards…

When you thought Russia couldn’t dive into depths of any greater stupidity and being even bigger meme of itself, they’ve done it again. This time it wasn’t another random spontaneous combustion on board of their ship or an fuel depot, it was official video of their glorious FSB doing arrest of alleged “nazis” who were plotting alleged assassination on Putin.

Apparently something got lost in translation during preparations to stage this fake arrest video and some dumbass prepared 3 copies of The Sims games instead of 3 SIM cards for the phone.


There were also some books with signatures and one of signatures said “Unreadable signature”. The uncensored video that I managed to dig out was recorded at 480p and that part was entirely unreadable as the recording was so blocky and compressed, but I read online that this pair of fuckups, The Sims games instead of SIM cards and literal “lorem ipsum” in place of signature that should be scribbled in unreadable form raised all the alarms that Russia tried to fake the arrest of alleged “nazis” and cocked it up big time. Because we all know there aren’t any nazis at all. Except the ones coming from Russia to attack Ukraine. Then again this also explains their utter incompetence in Ukraine if they can’t even fake a video without fucking it up. The alleged world superpower can hardly handle Ukraine alone and they are barking at the NATO alliance. Fucking hilarious. I can’t believe Russia is so fucking incompetent.

Russian officials later censored the boxes of The Sims game to cover up their fuckup.

Here is uncensored version with poor quality:

Video got removed after they realized what a monumental cockup they made fabricating bullshit. LOL

Corporate virtue signaling is such massive cringe

It’s not really a new thing, but it’s been grinding my gears for quite a while. You know how after every social incident, all the corporations that give so much fuck about our well being start virtue signaling campaigns by painting their avatars in LGBT rainbow colors, making them black and white to be compassionate with black communities and all other similar bullshit?

Like, you’re a fucking giant corporation whose sole existence is making money through exploiting of low wage workers of all races and genders to make even more money and here you are screaming how much you give a fuck about everyone. Just shut up. Just shut up all of you. You disgust me.

They especially disgust me when they scream how much they care about one’s voice and well being, yet the exact same corporation keeps on silencing people. You know, like Google is silencing and censoring results for China because that sweet sweet Chinese cash is just too hard to resist. Fuck those Chinese people standing against oppressive regime. We’re with black people now. You’ll just have to wait for your turn… Or Amazon being all loud how they are donating 10 million dollars to some black community organizations. Meanwhile they were (and still are) treating their employees like shit and forcing them to work during a pandemic in garbage conditions with inadequate protection. I’m sure a lot of them are also black people. Where was your solidarity and care for that? Oh, it just matters now because some high profile incident took place and all of a sudden everyone fucking cares.

No one gives a shit if some faceless corporation stands in support with LGBT people or with black people or with disabled people or with fucking gingers. NO ONE FUCKING CARES. As a company, you’re EXPECTED to behave in a way that’s not racist, bigoted or exploitative. And no fancy avatar or colorful (or black and white) image will change that if your actions don’t reflect what you’re preaching. No one expects or demands you to virtue signal this bullshit (except social justice idiots who attack and harass companies that don’t peddle to this bullshit). What we do expect is that you don’t censor people’s voices if you’re a social platform or that you don’t reject black people because they are black or you don’t hide results from your search engine because a big and influential regime is demanding that from you or that you don’t exploit people for low wages in shitty conditions. No amount of rainbow avatars and black background images will ever change that.

So, stop kidding yourself that your virtue signaling fucking matters. And I can’t believe people are so shallow and clueless that they applaud this when corporations do it. As far as I’m concerned, it’s disgusting and hypocritical. Do what you preach and don’t be two faced assholes by default and no one will give a shit if your avatar is not in rainbow colors. All this shit is EXPECTED from by you by default. And if it’s not, we’ll call you out on it. Until then, shut your fucking mouth and stop virtue signaling all over the fucking social media. But I guess they all doubt their behavior so they need to artificially reinforce it by painting shit on social media. Sad and pathetic.

Hyper sensitive, perpetually offended society, can you just die please?

I still can’t understand how humanity, the apex predators and rulers of this planet and slowly becoming interplanetary race became these motherfucking fragile, perpetually offended dumb ass snowflakes. Just the thought of it makes me wonder where the hell has our society fucked up so badly we’ve come to this point where people are freaking constantly offended not only by themselves, but also on behalf of others!

Ratings on games, ratings on movies, icons and warnings on TV shows, warnings in games, censorship of blood and tits in games and to latest trend of censorship and endless filtering of communication in games and on social media.

Word “toxic” has become a blanket meaningless word that can cover pretty much anything that offends you and everyone goes into rage mode to ensure someone’s fragile feels don’t get hurt when they feel someone is “toxic”. And if you think calling someone a “dumb ass retard” when they fuck up your game is the worst, you’d be wrong.

I’ve had one retard not long ago who griefed us on spawn and when I called him a retard for doing it, he quickly started yelling “omg, see, he called me retard, report him!”. And of course idiots reported me because they didn’t see what happened, but did see me calling him a retard (it was shitty Blizzard’s Overwatch, you’ve read about it here before, I hope this spineless garbage of a company dies lmao). But that’s basic shit, you have to be a master of knowing when someone’s feels get hurt because people also get offended if you say “gg” at wrong time. People also get offended when you don’t say “gg” when they expect you to say it like a fucking drone after every game. People also sperg like total apes when someone says “ez” at the end of the game. I think it’s stupid, especially when they were struggling for good chunk of the game to beat us, but whatevers. I couldn’t give a shit, but a lot of people get super offended by that and hit the report button in a nanosecond. Why? Why is everyone so worked up and invested into reporting everyone? Reporting shit is becoming a game for them instead of the fucking game itself.

Recently I commented on r/esports about this exact matter in some post about “toxic players” and guess what, retards there instantly perma banned me for having that opinion that didn’t fall in line with their perpetually offended stance, basically proving everyone is breeding this dumb fragile society of idiots who get offended by every fucking little thing and start crying like god damn infants. Being an r/esports, I wasn’t expecting any less as that’s the primary breeding ground of these snowflakes. And whole society and industry is supporting, nourishing and feeding this crap to satisfy these perpetually offended crybabies.

I’m starting to really miss good old days when people insulted each other in chat and that was it. No one was weeping in a dark corner, no one had life long trauma from it, no one even gave a fuck if someone called you a retard or a faggot. Now whole LGBT community spergs out because you used word faggot and that of course offends everyone. And everyone also goes mad because you used “retard”, because that also offends… retards. Or so they say people offended on behalf of others. They must be retarded for sure.

And that’s just for games, you should see idiots on Twitter, Facebook and other shit social networks, who rally in massive mobs of these perpetually offended idiots and attack individuals for what they do or wear. Like idiots attacking whites for wearing dreads because apparently Jamaicans have trademarked dreads (hint, they haven’t) or attacking non-Japanese people for wearing a Kimono because that’s muh “cultural appropriation”. I don’t know a single Japanese person who was offended by this. In fact everyone was always thrilled that outsiders are excited about their history or culture. It’s so bad, at one point social justice warriors mob was attacking a girl for wearing a Kimono while being too white. Yeah, literally, the girl posted her passport to prove to mobs she’s actually Japanese so they’d shut up. She really had more European skin tone and her eyes weren’t typically Japanese (also, why people still think Japanese people are yellow or something?). They were hyper offended on behalf of Japanese people attacking this girl who was… Japanese. Has anyone of these morons thought how that girl felt? Of course not. They couldn’t give a shit about her feelings when they were on their own crusade of righteousness!

To make matters worse, this trend isn’t stopping. Oh no, it’s just getting even worse by every passing day as I read how mega creepy corporations are planning to use “Ai” to filter and censor all and any “mean” words and ban everyone just to protect these fragile snowflakes and make society even more fragile and offended by every word that does happen to float into their stupid ears.

If this image looks familiar to you…


…then you’re from my generation (I’m not that freaking old, but I feel old now) or earlier and this movie (Demolition Man) was a parody of utopian society of the future where they had these machines that issued you a language violation ticket for saying “mean” words. You should really watch the movie to see what they were good for at some point. Same thing I think all this filtering and censoring is good for. Well, someone didn’t get the memo along the way and what once used to be a parody is now becoming a reality. And it’s fucking sad and cringy as fuck. It doesn’t make people change opinions about things, they just don’t say it because everyone likes to be pretentious dickheads behind everyone’s backs. Somehow that fixes all the problems with “toxicity”. Congrats society, you just played yourself. You’re still all retarded dickheads, you just don’t hear it from others. Mission failed successfully I guess. Snowflake imaginary lives protected!

You’re a nationalist, you must be a white supremacist Nazi!

This is the sort of stuff I’m seeing more and more these days almost every time you defend nationalism or people who are nationalists. Or not even defend, just talk about them without straight pissing on them and people immediately jump to conclusion you must be a racist Nazi if you’re not actively pissing on them.

People have this fixed idea that nationalism is national socialism aka Nationalsozialismus or in short Nazism. Ok. But is it really in the same form as it used to be?

Sure, you have real Nazis, the ones who still praise Hitler and sleep with Mein Kampf under their pillow, with Swastikas tattooed on their forehead and Nazi saluting around (fun fact, Bellamy salute was used in late 19 century America before Nazi Germany and resembles almost identical hand gesture) attacking black people and Jews. That’s the national socialism of the 1940’s Germany…

What most people who call themselves nationalist today align themselves with? Well, the people I’ve seen and who are being called “a fucking nazi”, they mostly believe that people of own country, own nation should always come first, get help by the government first and they believe in preservation of own nation, own identity, own traditions and this is especially predominant in Europe where we have vastly different nations, languages, traditions, the unique identities etc. Some are also vocal how whites shouldn’t be treated like shit just because they are white and that’s inherently bad because of white supremacists and slavery, but that varies between nationalists. Generally I support their belief, because the amount of dumb white motherfuckers shitting on their own race is just astounding these days. I’m Caucasian and I absolutely hate it when idiots attack us solely for being “white” and try to associate us with white supremacists and slavery based on that. I never owned slaves, my parents never owned them, my grandparents never owned them, my grand grandparents never owned them and we never owned them for as far as our known family tree goes in the past. Treating me like shit just for being “white” is just as racists as treating blacks like shit because of their skin color. Racism doesn’t have one side that’s always the good one. All racism is bad and it doesn’t matter from who it comes. Even blacks can be racists, they don’t get the immunity card for what happened to them in the past. And no one ever should. Just to get that part out of the way because people with agenda tend to twist these words and turn them into white supremacists bullshit.

I come from Slovenia, small country in Europe and while I’m not a fan of our traditional music, our poetry and literature or some traditions, I prefer English over my own language, but I want to preserve them because they are our unique identity, it represents us as a nation. I guess that makes me a nationalist then, right?

And I don’t limit myself to “Uh oh, you must be white and born in Slovenia to belong to our nation”. If you come to my country legally, you try very hard to learn our rather difficult language, you try your best to integrate into our society, you get a job, obey our laws, stay out of trouble and don’t do anything criminal, you respect and follow our traditions, then you’re as much of a fellow countrymen as anyone else born here. It doesn’t matter if you’re of Germanic, Norse, Arabic, Asian, American or African origin, it doesn’t matter of what race you are even. Be good and treat us with respect and we’ll treat you the same back.

But come to my country illegally, then try to extort welfare from us, try to forcefully spread your whatever religion, do criminal shit all the time and try to convert our country into shithole you came from and sure as hell I don’t fucking want you here.

That’s the kind of nationalism I’m advocating for. But calling me a white supremacist or a Nazi for this, then you can fuck off this very moment. And this is what people are doing. They don’t want to even hear what you have to say, they’ll just relentlessly attack and try to silence you because they think they can just call everyone “a Nazi” and no one can say anything back afterwards. It worked for a while, but they were throwing word “Nazi” around so much it basically lost its meaning entirely. If everyone is a Nazi, then no one really is in the end. They live in this bubble of self righteousness and fight against the Nazis they themselves start to behave like the Nazis of the 1940’s Germany. But they are too dumb to even notice it unfortunately.

So, yeah, I can proudly say I’m a nationalist then because I believe in what I wrote above. Call me a Nazi all you want, but I know what I am and what I stand by. You can be a nationalist and not be a racist white supremacist. But for some people this is a very hard concept to grasp and they’ll just continue to bark with their fucking Hitler and Nazis bullshit. This ain’t the 1940’s anymore, this is 2019. Things have changed and so have definitions of words and mindsets. Being a nationalist today doesn’t have much to do with being a nationalist socialist in Germany almost a century ago, so stop attacking people like sperging lunatics just because they want to see their nation and its identity preserved and not absorbed into a globalist blob without any identity.

Dissenter, a comment section for the entire internet

Recent trend is to shut down comment sections on webpages to avoid people actually discussing what they really think about the news article or the content so the authors can further push certain agendas or narratives without any resistance from people who aren’t just sheep, but they actually think about things or discuss it with others. Because articles and news without comment sections are pretty much propaganda material.

As a response to that, Gab, the free speech social network recently launched service called Dissenter. Essentially, Dissenter is a commenting system, almost like Disqus, but doesn’t require integration into webpage itself. You can download extension for it for all major browsers (links will be down below) and read what others are saying about certain content under an URL. If you want to comment, you have to create Gab account, but reading is fully open as is. Good thing about it is that you can browse the webpages as before and when opening Dissenter, you get a popup on top, so you can read webpage and the comments at the same time without leaving one or the other.

In a nutshell, we already had something similar, it was called “WOT” or “Web Of Trust”, until it was discovered they were selling user data to 3rd parties without user consent. It’s when I and many others ditched it. Which is a shame because the design and usability of the service was pretty good and super useful.

If webpages have comment sections, but they are censored or disabled, you can still comment on it and anyone using Dissenter, can see them under same URL. Even if webpages don’t have comment sections at all by default, you can still comment and others can still read that.

Dissent always comments under the specific URL you’re currently located, so if you want to comment on their webpage in general, you need to visit their root webpage or home page. This can be seen in Dissenter popup, so make sure you are on correct address depending on what you want to comment on, specific article or subpage or home page itself.

Idiots are already making wild claims how Dissenter is a neonazi propaganda tool, that needs to be banned and shutdown from everywhere (the same they’ve been doing with Gab platform itself), but I see a lot of value in it. Just like WOT, this can be used for anything, be it just a comment on a CNN news article without comment section, Youtube video that has comments disabled or a rating of an online store that you had negative (or positive) experience with, but there is very hard to warn others if there are no comments on the webpage itself. With Dissent, you can do that too. And no one can stop you from commenting, because it’s outside of webpage’s control. An ultimate free speech tool, as you can talk about anything, anywhere. Sure trolls and spammers will eventually start abusing it, but reading different opinions and having doubt about things is what makes you a more rational person. You don’t just read things and blindly believe them to be the truth, you read comments and research things before forming an opinion. And that’s the point of Dissent. Grab it and check out what people really think about things online.

Download Dissent browser extension (and source code):


PayPal just banned Gab from using their service

So, the news was out few hours ago by the founder of Gab, Andrew Torba. PayPal banned from using their service because the synagogue shooter happened to also be on…


Nevermind that the asshole also posted on Facebook and even Twiter afaik and those are still doing business fine with PayPal and are not held responsible for anything, all while they are still hosting HUNDREDS of ISIS pages and no one gives a flying fuck about it. But Gab, Gab must be shut down and silenced because they support free speech and happen to have 5 nationalists on it (oooooo ohhhh the evil nationalists!!!! 🙄 ). Give me a fucking break with bullshit like this. All of a sudden Gab is responsible for users on their service, but other leftist pandering services like Facebook and Twitter aren’t, because reasons you know… but sure, tell me all about how there is no agenda going on about it…

There are also hints of registrars trying to ban together from existing anywhere and predictions that even banks will try to pull the same stunt in attempts to shut Gab down. They must be fucking furiously desperate to be trying to pull shit like this off. PayPal’s shit that has already been done ain’t any different.

UPDATE 2018-10-29

And so, got deplatformed yet again by another hosting company (this time Joyent)…


I don’t understand the logic behind it other than everyone being controlling scumbags who want to shut down free speech and have all the sheep neatly under control what they say on hardcore leftist controlled platforms by snowflake lunatics. When terrorists and psychopaths are on Twitter or Facebook, no one demands their fundings and hosting to be blocked or taken away or have them accountable for actions of one idiot, but for Gab, somehow everyone instantly unifies in a single voice of a fucking NPC and fuck them in the ass in matter of hours. Is this really the future everyone wants? Looks like all the dystopian sci-fi movies weren’t so far off after all… We still have time to really fuck it all up. Good job everyone who are constantly trying to deplatform Gab… You are the fucking problem, not Gab and people on it.

Farewell to TechPowerUp

After being a part of TPU community for 10+ years I have today fucked off from it permanently.  TPU used to be great community lead by W1zzard who’s an amazing dude from Germany. He’s doing hardware reviews, codes apps like hugely popular GPU-Z and even made apps for companies like Sapphire. Unfortunately his community got infested by fucking snowflake moderators who are perpetually offended and have to compensate their small dicks by shelling out warnings and bans for every fucking little shit they see. My behavior was apparently fine for over a decade, but now I’m all of a sudden “toxic”. Fuck off. Usually they don’t seem to have any fucking clue about the discussion they are allegedly moderating, but they still feel entitled to warn users because some shit offended them or they can’t handle straight fucking facts. If they at any point use the word “toxic” you know they are full of shit and you’re communicating with the dumb snowflake. Only these idiots use word “toxic” to describe what we call A FUCKING NORMAL CONVERSATION where shit like ARGUMENTS happen.

It’s just a shame such cool community went straight down to the bottom of the dumpster in basically a matter of 1 year thanks to dumb moderators. I don’t regret anything, I just feel sorry for W1zzard because few idiots will fuck up everything he worked for for years and years. It’s how basically all forums I know went downhill. Every single fucking time. First there are tons of geeks and enthusiasts who literally compete who will help noobs the most. Then SJW’s arrive and fuck shit up. People start leaving and then community simply dies because there is simply no point in such forums even existing if they are a desolate wastelands. Oh, sorry, “safe spaces” without any “toxic” behavior…

I wished W1zzard best of luck and thanked him for all the service till this day. He’s really an amazing chap and I’ll still be reading his reviews, but that’s it. I’m now moving to Linus Tech Tips forums, so you might see me there a bit more. Lets see if they already have snowflakes for moderators there…

Bring privacy under your control again

Took me a while, but when Google fired James Damore for his memo, that was a tipping point for me. It was also a day when I entirely dropped Google Search. And also a day when I decided to start using more and more “independent” alternative services that are more privacy focused. Some are easier to switch to, some are not. But let me tell you, it’s worth it when you realize how these mega corporations are just straight up evil.  From their fucked up internal politics to endless meddling with politics worldwide to how they handle our sensitive private info with next to no regard for anything or anyone. Sure, they offer services for free in exchange for our privacy, but there will be a point when you’ll ask yourself, is my private info and data really worth so little that I trust it to Google instead of paying a relatively small subscription for a secure encrypted private mailbox with nearly same features as found on GMail? It takes some time to realize that, but take some time and think about it.

To make final decisions easier afterwards, here are some tips on what services to use in order to break free from mega corporations mining your personal data…

UPDATED: 2020-07-10

Web Browser

Mozilla Firefox
Tor Browser

Opera removed due to privacy concerns. Its Chinese owners doing questionable things and business practices.

DNS Service

Cloudflare DNS* (USA)
SecureDNS (Netherlands)
Neutopia / DoT: (France)

* For now there is no evidence that Cloudflare could pose an immediate risk to privacy. They claim they are private and they also do external audits to have their claims verified.

Web Search

DuckDuckGo (USA)
SwissCows (Switzerland)
Qwant (France)
Lilo* (France)
Ecosia* (Germany)

* Alternative search engines to big corporate ones like Google, but have slightly questionable privacy statements. They do allegedly convert your searches into charity support…

StartPage removed after it was taken over by Privacy One Group which is a targeted marketing company.

e-Mail Service

ProtonMail (Switzerland)
Tutanota (Germany)
Hushmail (Canada)
Mailfence (Belgium)
PrivateRelay (France)
Posteo (Germany)
Kolab (Switzerland)
Criptext (USA)
Vivaldi Mail (Norway)

* FastMail is not on the list because it’s an Australian company and Australia has recently (December 2018) passed an encryption bill that demands companies to hand over backdoors or master encryption keys to Australian government. I wouldn’t trust any such company or government for that matter even if “I don’t have anything to hide”.

StartMail removed due to questionable ownership by targeted advertisement company Privacy One Group.

Instant Messaging

Signal (USA)

Wire removed due to weird ownership, HQ location and operation changes. People also raised concerns over communications encryption which is apparently severely flawed.

Data Storage

pCloud (Switzerland)
MEGA (New Zealand)
DropBox (USA)
AllSync (Netherlands)
Degoo (Sweden)
Koofr (Slovenia)

Online maps/navigation

HERE WeGo | HERE Maps for Android | HERE Maps for iOS
Apple Maps (searching for locations in DuckDuckGo uses Apple Maps)

Two-Factor Authenticators


* While not open source or anything, it’s not owned by corporation like Google and it has certain features that are very useful in securing your access to services that you own and pay for. What good is all security if you can’t access your stuff…


ProtonVPN (Switzerland)


Company country doesn’t always mean they absolutely fall under their jurisdiction only. For example, some companies have HQ in Switzerland, but host data elsewhere, like for example pCloud which hosts data in Texas, USA. Others like ProtonMail have HQ and hosting in same country. Do further research if that is important for you.


After long hours of research and investigation, I’ve dug up these services that are highly focused on privacy and security, are mostly located in countries with most rigorous privacy laws or they are designed in such a way no one can even force them to uncover your data, because only you have the decryption keys. They may not be free, but can you really put a price tag on your privacy when you think about it? Some services cost a bit more a year, others less. Some are even free but with certain limitations like e-mail storage space and less features which kinda forces you to upgrade. But you can evaluate them cost free this way and decide which ones you like.


If you know any other services that you feel they need exposure here, leave them down below in the comments and I’ll check them out. If I feel they are worthy, I’ll include them on the list above.

20th March 2018, the day free speech died

I don’t know how many of you are aware of the Count Dankula case and I’ll try to explain it in as little words as possible for normies to understand it, but I’m still kinda shocked that this is an actual court case and not just a very elaborate joke itself.

2 years ago, a Scottish comedian Count Dankula (Mark Meechan) posted a video where he taught his pug to do a Nazi salute to annoy his girlfriend. He even explicitly stated on the video that he’s doing it to annoy his girlfriend by turning his pug into the most revolting thing possible (a Nazi).

Fast forward 2 years and this is him…


Nope. This is not a joke. This is literally him being handcuffed and dragged through courts for 2 years over a fucking Nazi joke. Today, on 20th March 2018, he was convicted under communications act of being “grossly offensive” and he is now facing 2 years of prison.

Here is Tommy Robinson giving few words on the matter in front of the court where Mark Meechan was convicted.

I find this absolutely terrifying. I’d understand it if it was in some shithole of a country run by a dictator. No, this is Scotland. United Kingdom. Western democratic world. Convicting a man over a joke. For real. It literally happened. And I still can’t believe it. It’s literally surreal that someone can get imprisoned over a joke in a modern society. When shit like this happens, you know society has fucked up and needs to go back.

There is literally nothing in this world that is offensive enough to land someone in prison. You can insult me, my family, my dog, my country and I’ll probably think you’re an asshole, but I’d defend you to have that right and not getting imprisoned or fined for it. And everyone should have such stance, because only this way, we can ensure “being offended” is not being abused to silence and ruin people.

Like Tommy Robinson said, this ridiculous case is setting a precedents to silence people in the future. If Mark Meechan could be silenced and imprisoned for making a stupid joke, what’s next? If muslims find it offensive for making people aware of mass grooming of young underage girls by muslims and you land in a jail for it. You state that wage gap is bullshit and you land in a prison for offending feminists. Make fun of the Queen and they’ll lock you up. It sets an absolutely ridiculous precedents for the future that UK government wants in order to silence people they don’t like. And shit like this is spreading like cancer through Europe and it’s scary as fuck. Soon we won’t be allowed to make a joke about anything or anyone on social media because it could literally get you imprisoned.

People need to realize what a dangerous situation this is for our modern society. Where does it end? Who defines what offends someone? It’s dangerous shit that shouldn’t be happening and I fear for the future of free speech in Europe. It happens time and time again that people who endorse such censorship and silencing of others soon get hit by very same “rules” they imposed. So, why not simply allow everyone to be offensive to everyone and call it a day?

I really hope this will be brought forward to UN and other human rights organizations and brought back to court to make this nonsense disappear. It’s ridiculous and backwards. Shit like this belongs to medieval times, not to modern time Europe for fucks sake.

CNN, shut the fuck up about guns already

Oh my god, the monumental cringe from the CNN factories. You have to watch this and brace yourself so you won’t snap your spine with the cringe like I have…

This is what an AR-15 sounds like

Straight away trying to make it look intimidating. Sure, it’s a gun and every gun is intimidating. But CNN is intentionally trying to make it more sinister than it is just to push their bullshit narrative.

FACT: If you fire any kind of a gun in a huge empty hall (shooting range), the echo created by the hall will make even a .22 Short from a handgun sound like it has a massive stopping power of a sniper rifle.

General Mark Herting served in US Army for 37 years

There is no way this guy is a real person or even a Lieutenant General.

FACT: The way he’s firing the AR-15 like he’s a bit retarded, the way rifle is rocking all over the place like he’s firing an M60 from a hip to one single specific thing he said later on, that made me believe he’s not really a real person, let alone a former soldier. There is a 3rd possibility that he’s a real person and a real soldier, but CNN made him behave like an absolute imbecile to appease their dumb viewers and push the narrative the way they want it, to make AR-15 look absolutely terrifying and scary like it’s a nuclear bomb or something.

Full Semi Automatic

When this alleged Lieutenant General said this very specific line I questioned everything about this video…

FACT 1: There is no such thing in existence as “full semi automatic” rifle. It’s an literal oxymoron and if a former soldier who served for 37 years says something so monumentally retarded, he basically wiped out his entire credibility.

FACT 2: AR-15 has a single firing mode and that is “semi automatic”. There is no other mode to switch to. So, when he’s saying “now I’m going to switch to “full semi automatic” :)” he’s just talking gibberish at this point.

FACT 3: Semi automatic means, every time you pull a trigger, a bullet flies out of the barrel. To fire a next round, you need to depress the trigger and press it again. This is what a “semi automatic” is. “Full Automatic” means you squeeze the trigger once and it will fire for as long as there are rounds in a magazine. Semi automatic guns literally fire as fast as you can physically pull the trigger.

This weapon in the wrong hands can be more dangerous than most weapons because of its capability to do a lot of damage in short period of time and be irreversible.

FACT: Saying AR-15 is more devastating than lets say Glock or a 9mm Beretta is total and utter nonsense. Every gun is devastating and every gun is designed to inflict irreversible damage if possible under given conditions, be it chambered with tiny .22 or fat .45. Of course shorter barrel brings slightly lower accuracy and slightly smaller stopping power because gases don’t have as much time pushing the bullet through the barrel, increasing its kinetic energy, but the reality is, every fired bullet is fast enough and has enough stopping power to be deadly at typically ranges experienced in school shootings which is what most people are familiar with. So, if you take a school shooting scenario, perpetrator having an AR-15 or a Glock would not make a single difference. A bullet of any kind hitting vital organs like brain, heart or liver could result in death in seconds or minutes. Doing this absurd witch hunt after AR-15 specifically like it’s some special weapon of mass destruction is just insane, stupid and illogical. It’s as lethal as any other firearm.


I haven’t served military and I haven’t fired a single gun myself (paintball and air guns and rifles don’t count). But I am fascinated by physics, mechanics and guns. And I learn about them a lot and I know how they operate and what kind of damage they inflict. And even I could spot all this bullshit in CNN’s video and they are pushing this drivel to the masses like it’s a holy word of a prophet. It’s bunch of illogical nonsense designed to further confuse casual CNN viewers who don’t know better to push this anti gun narrative you miserable sacks of shit, CNN is a sad excuse for what used to be called journalism. Stop talking about guns because you’re bunch of cretins who don’t know anything about it and you’re making that Lieutenant General look like a total fool saying those words. Assuming he’s a real person to begin with…