Games are not “ableist” at all!

I’m absolutely sick of this clickbait nonsense by games “journalism”. What is games journalism even around for, if their sole purpose is shitting on their own industry and their own readers? Has anyone ever seen car industry journalism pissing all over all cars, its users and manufacturers? Ever seen sports media pissing over all sports to generate clicks? But here, to no one’s surprise, Kotaku and many other stupid outlets are doing just that. Again.


Their latest jab at the games is of course, calling Pokemon Go “ableist”. Pokemon Go, the phenomenon that mobilized millions of Pokemon fans and gamers to actually go outside. You know, something everyone has been screaming and bitching about for decades how “gamers only dwell in their basements, playing games”.


“Ableism” is another buzzword created by progressive regressive left to shame people who don’t happen to have any life changing disabilities. Instead of elevating and helping people with disabilities, lets take a piss at healthy people, like it’s their fault they are healthy and able to navigate through the world without limitations.

Games make disabilities irrelevant

I’ve been saying this for years and I’ll say it again. Games are one of rare few things in this world that don’t care what your gender is, what your sexual preferences are, what skin color you have or what disabilities you happen to have. Naturally, there are always limitations when it comes to interaction with the medium, but computer games are way more forgiving than most of other activities. I know of one disabled boy who could only move his head and ingenious people found a way to somehow make The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim game playable for him. Now tell me if that isn’t cool or what?

But idiots at Kotaku prefer to put down that one single game that doesn’t specifically cater to disabled people and dismiss and ignore 99% of all other games that bring joy and virtual mobility to millions of people with physical (and mental) disabilities.

You don’t have legs but you’d love to play football, run and climb? You can play FIFA or PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) or run and jump around with insane parkour moves in Mirror’s Edge or Tomb Raider. You have severely limited ability to move your arms in shoulder and elbow joints, but you want to be a basketball superstar? If you can at least move fingers and wrist, you can play many basketball games. Are you not allowed to drive a car because of severe eyesight problems? You can play any of the many Need for Speed games risk free or even go more serious with racing simulations like Gran Turismo and Forza motorsport on consoles or different “indie” racing simulators on PC. Do you have social anxieties like fear of crowds or open spaces or you just feel uncomfortable around people? Many of people with such conditions can play games online with other real people because the game is their comfort zone barrier, keeping them “safe”.

Hell, even if you don’t have any specific desires or preferences, games bring disabled people the unimaginable experiences and mobility otherwise not possible in real world. If some part of them is still functional, there is a chance someone will figure out how to make a game functional for them. And once we will manage to control games with our mind directly, we’ll remove even that last barrier. I know it’ll never actually be the same, but thanks to technology, this is the closest thing we can get. And if it’s so engaging to us able people, imagine how life changing it is for people with disabilities.

Pokemon Go is not as discriminating as Kotaku says it is

And to show games and gamers know no barriers or disabilities, here is a tweet I’ve seen today…


I don’t play Pokemon Go and I don’t know exactly how it works, but seeing this kinda made me shed a tear. Players remembered not everyone can run around and “catch ’em all” and dropped this message and made it possible for kids in hospitals to enjoy the Pokemon Go frenzy. It’s just so beautiful!  :3 Where there is a will, there is a way!

Why is Kotaku bitching and complaining about this instead of rather posting such positive message to large audience they have and make the change themselves? Of course, outrage brings more clicks than a normal article asking players to join forces, helping children in hospitals. Games journalism, never change. Never change… You’ll just disappear into nothingness. But gamers will still be around. Go gamers! Catch ’em all! 🙂



4 thoughts on “Games are not “ableist” at all!

  1. The world is going completely insane. We have a game here that might actually do something about the obesity problem in the U.S and people are bitching about it.

    Let’s just not bother trusting the games media anymore. It’s clear that all they’re interested in is pandering to this social justice victim-based activist bullshit.


  2. Makes me think of the old Mitch Hedberg bit “Sometimes I wave to people I don’t know. It’s very dangerous to wave to someone you don’t know because, what if they don’t have a hand?”


  3. Why can’t they be positive? Because…..reasons.

    No, it makes them seem like heroes if they create problems but as we have seen many times, they won’t be damned to do anything about it. The more they complain, the more money they make. To them, it’s easier making money being negative than being positive.


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